Water Quality Monitoring Data

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This data portal provides public read-only access to water quality monitoring data through the State of Oregon. Water quality data posted on this website were generated to satisfy specific data quality objectives for the programs and projects under which they were generated. A portion of the samples were analyzed and/or collected by organizations other than DEQ. Review of the non-DEQ data is limited to information supplied by the non-DEQ organization. The users of the data obtained here must understand the potential limitations of that data and determine the data's suitability for their intended use. Visit instructions, tutorials and helpful hints for information on using this data portal. Please direct any questions on content accessibility for this website to WQDataHelp@deq.state.or.us. This website cannot be made compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. We apologize for any inconvenience and invite you to contact us at 800-452-4011 or email deqinfo@deq.state.or.us for assistance accessing this site.

For direct access to the data portal use the following:
Username: ORPUBLIC
Password: ORPUBLIC.

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